I really need to disable the lock screen

David Trask dtrask at vcsvikings.org
Sun Aug 12 20:05:44 UTC 2012

I'm hoping more folks will be on the list once the week starts.  I'm
rolling out my new installation for the whole school (70+ terminals) and
the only hurdle left (that I know of) is disabling screen locking.  I'd
also like to set screen blanking for some ridiculously high number like 3
hours.  We're an elementary school with a lot of autologin machines and
young kids...we also do online testing.  I can't have screen locking
kicking in all the time...it would really screw things up.  It used to be
easy to disable it, but in 12.04 (precise), I can't seem to get anything
to stick....short of doing it in the GUI and that would be another
nightmare.  I need a command line/script way of disabling screen locking
and setting the screen blanking very high...for ALL users.  So far all the
stuff I've found online doesn't stick.  I've tried gconf-editor (which
won't allow me to access the screen locking key)...I've tried
dconf-editor...(which does, but doesn't seem to do anything for anyone
other than root)....etc.  I really need help  (on my knees and begging) 

David Trask
Technology Director/Teacher
Vassalboro Community School
dtrask at vcsvikings.org
(207) 923-4305

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