fat client

Krsnendu dasa krsnendu108 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 18:53:11 BST 2008

Is it possible to build a low fat client using xubuntu to make things
even  lighter? (I don't understand much about the differences from a
users point of view or why xubuntu requires less power. Can someone
enlighten me a bit?)

I have some clients that are not so fat, but having sound (i.e. vlc,
maybe skype) and flash running locally could solve some problems.
Perhaps local apps is a better option in this case.

2008/10/10 David Van Assche <dvanassche at gmail.com>:
> Hi Gavin,
> On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 12:25 PM, Gavin McCullagh <gmccullagh at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> this is interesting stuff.
> Thanks
>> On Fri, 10 Oct 2008, David Van Assche wrote:
>>> I suppose I can put up a Hardy version on my website.
>> Probably no harm.  I suspect a lot of people will want to stick with hardy
>> (I suspect "intrepid" suggests a lot of new stuff that might not be
>> entirely stable yet).
> Now done: http://nubae.com/ltsp-linux-terminal-server-project-netbooted-fat-client-for-ubuntu-hardy-and-intrepid
>>> Fat client is indeed meant for what you mention. The minimum requirements
>>> as I see them are a 600 mhz P2 with 256MB Ram. It will run on systems
>>> with less, but it will be slower, anything below this is really better
>>> geared towards use as a thin client. I've tested the low fat client on a
>>> 500mhz geode with 128mb ram, and even that works... but it requires some
>>> more testing to see what it will and will not run on. Obviously choosing
>>> high fat or low fat will make a difference...
>> Does it use NBD or a local disk swap partition?  While it might boot and
>> even login in 128MB RAM, I suspect you'll run very short of ram very
>> quickly with all applications running locally.  Your ram requirements
>> should I guess be similar to those for a regular desktop.
> It does use NBD, yes... allows for a fast loading, protected
> environment.. home is mounted via nfs, and there is a rather
> complicated hack that synchs users between server and fatclient,
> controlled by cron. I'll be changing that to use sshfs for next
> version.
> As for running out of ram, yeah... for sure... its not recommended to
> run less than 256mb, my test computer has 500mhz and 512 mb, and that
> runs fine... which shows that ram is more important than cpu speed...
>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements
>> Gavin
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