DRBL vs Lowfat

Sameer Verma sverma at sfsu.edu
Sat Sep 22 06:06:10 BST 2007

I had posted a while ago about specs for a server to serve up about 35 
clients. Many of you replied and thank you so much for the input - we 
managed to acquire a dual Xeon (2.8GHz each) with 4GB of RAM and two 
SATA drives. Edubuntu goes on it next week.

In the meantime, I came across Diskless Remote Boot for Linux 
(http://drbl.sourceforge.net/). DRBL's approach seems to be more along 
the lines of what might suit us better; our desktops have 2GB of RAM and 
fast Core Duo processors, so we might as well use those horses. A bit 
more looking around led me to something called LTSP 5' s "Low Fat" 
client, which is similar to DRBL. However, I haven't been able to find 
any documentation on "Low Fat" with respect to LTSP5.

Any pointers?


Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA

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