Edubuntu server with one NIC

Todd O'Bryan toddobryan at
Mon Sep 3 23:20:28 BST 2007


Where are you in Ecuador? If one of us were to send you a NIC:

(a) How likely is it that it would get to you?
(b) How much would you have to pay in taxes to accept it?

I spent a semester during college in Quito--lived with a family a few
blocks to the west of the airport just off Avenida 10 de Agosto and took
classes at la Universidad Católica. My college still sends a group to
Quito every year, I think.


On Mon, 2007-09-03 at 16:46 -0500, Javier Tibau wrote:
> On 9/3/07, David Trask <dtrask at> wrote:
>         "Javier Tibau" <jatb86 at> writes:
>         >I bought a HP ML150 G3 to install Edubuntu on it. After
>         reading a bit, I
>         >decided on saving the $100 or so on the second Ethernet card.
>         Now I'm 
>         >stuck with either LTSP or Internet on my server.
>         A $100!  For a second NIC?  You can buy your own Intel Pro
>         10/100/1000
>         gigabit adapter for $30 US on TigerDirect.  
> I forgot to mention, I live in Ecuador, South America... So no
> TigerDirect for me :( and I think that's ($100) about what my provider
> offered me (not sure). 
>         But seriously though....a one
>         NIC edubuntu server is a piece of cake.  The easiest way is to
>         let the 
>         Edubuntu server be the DHCP server for your LAN.  All of my
>         Edubuntu
>         servers here at school are all single NIC machines.
> I eventually figured out what I was doing wrong... I was trying to get
> both the thin clients and other computers (my laptop) to use de same
> settings for internet. When I changed the dhcp.conf so it would work
> for the computers that connected to the network, LTSP stopped working
> and viceversa. I still don't know if I can actually have both regular
> PCs and thin clients in the same network both using the same DHCP,
> well I stopped trying. 
> Anyway, I now have a working internet connection. And since the rest
> of the computers are laptops, they can use another wireless network to
> get online. Maybe I'll get back to this problem once I get the rest
> tested. 
>         David N. Trask
>         Technology Teacher/Director
>         Vassalboro Community School
>         dtrask at
>         (207)923-3100
> -- 
> Javier Tibau

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