SOLVED Re: do I need to do something special to use more than 4 Gigs under Feisty?

john lists.john at
Thu May 31 16:42:52 BST 2007

Thanks for your interest Gavin and Jim, I appreciate it.

I am sort of feeling my way along on this. This is a big step up for
us in terms of # of clients and in computing power. Right now I have
two separate installations of LTSP/Client servers each doing 18 thin
clients. The servers are commodity p4 workstations with 2G ram and 3
Ghz cpu's. We're using NTAVO 6020's and old IPAQ's for thin clients.
We use winbind to sync with Win2k3 AD.

The intial setup for "phase 2" will only serve 35 or so clients and
depending on what we see in terms of performance we may double that by
connecting two buildings via vlan.

Here's a little background ( posted the stuff below to the k12osn list
a couple of days ago so sorry if you've  already seen this. If you
have any ideas based on what I've written below, I'd love to hear


35 thin clients client computers
1 LTSP server (2 duel core opteron 8100, 8 Gigs of ram, Edubuntu 7.04)
1 "backend" file server doing NFS, SAMBA, LDAP and Webdav, 3 Ghz
workstation with 4Gb ram (Centos or Ubuntu LTS 6.06)
1 Dedicated Gig E switch


1. The LTSP server will authenticates clients via the LDAP backend
server. Users home directories will be stored on the backend server.
2.  The LDAP backend server will be joined to our Windows AD Domain, via
winbind and linux user accounts will be automagically created via SAMBA
which stores account info in LDAP per

My question are:
1) What am I missing, forgetting etc?
2) Is my authentication scheme nuts? I can't dump Active Directory,
but is there a better way to do this?
2) Do I need a "real" server doing RAID 5 or whatever for the LDAP Backend
3) Am I REALLY off base with my proposed setup?

Many thanks for any and all ideas!


On 5/31/07, Gavin McCullagh <gmccullagh at> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, 30 May 2007, john  wrote:
> > Installing the Linux-Image-Server did the trick for memory support and
> > all is well with the LTSP clients.
> It would be interesting to hear how you get on with this.
> I've never had more than a passing understanding of PAE.  I know there to
> be limitations in that the extra memory can't be used in as simple a way as
> the first 4GB and that there can be a "cost" to this, but I've never been
> clear whether it was a cost worth paying sometimes or always (I presume
> it's useful at least sometimes).  I've also heard some people raise
> questions about whether all drivers would be perfectly stable but this may
> not be a big concern.
> Regardless of the PAE stuff, as 8GB RAM with 32-bit Edubuntu and 80-100
> users is probably a fairly unusual configuration for edubuntu it would be
> great if you could let us know how you get on after a month or two up and
> running.  I'd be particularly interested in the stability, perceived
> responsiveness under load and what sort of RAM usage you see in practice.
> If you have time to set it up it would be interesting to monitor the server
> using something like munin.
> We could probably be of some help with that onlist if you needed it.
> My instincts would usually have been to stick with 32-Bit Ubuntu on 4GB
> RAM, but if this works well, that would be very useful to know.
> Gavin
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