
Uwe Geercken uwe.geercken at datamelt.com
Wed May 23 09:15:24 BST 2007

well, I'd like to say welcome to the ubuntu community, jason.

I myself sit in germany right at the border to switzerland ( where I work) and I
am starting to work with our local school soon, too. they have a fullblown new
windows computer room with about 10 computers, but no deep knowledge (just one
teacher who is still in the beginning of the learning curve).

and they have their old equipment they do not want to throw away. they created a
computer room, but they really also want to use the computers in the

I made a presentation of edubuntu by simply carrying a laptop with edubuntu on
it. I hooked it up, bootet it and then bootet one of the brandnew windows
system with PXE. the eyes of the head of school where getting bigger and
bigger. they where very impressed. I also demonstrated the use of powerline
adapters to connect the computers. so I disconnected the laptop (the server in
my case), waited a little bit, went to a different power socket and hooked it
up again. the client computer successfully connected after a couple of

they are open-minded and see the advantage of gving a choice to the children
which are of age 6 to about 16. but they don't really know anything about
computers. yet it is expected of them to teach the children how to use
computers. that means: a lot of work.....

I believe we, as a community, can learn a lot of each other and share our
experience. especially on what does not work.

carpe diem,


Zitat von Jason Sandlin <crane.aswp at gmail.com>:

> Hello Everyone,
>  My name Is Jason, also known as Crane on the forums and other places. I am
> pretty knew to  working with Edubuntu and I am hoping to learn some helpful
> information by hanging out here.
>  I recently started the Alabama LoCo team in the US and one of the current
> projects I am trying to get going is setting up a local school with Edubuntu
> client/server system. I have very little experience with this. Any links you
> guys may know that have presentation, information, or material to help with
> a presentation would be great. My plan is to set up a server then use older
> donated computers for clients, hopefully reducing cost to a bear minimum. I
> have a meeting with a local Kindergarden soon to discuss the ideas. This is
> the school my son will be attending this fall.
>  We, Alabama LoCo and Local LUG are planning on setting up the server
> somewhere local to test it's performance with different clients. The server
> will be a Dual 1.1gig server with 2 gig of ram.
>  Again, All this is in a pre-preplanning state as I am still learning the
> ins and outs of presenting and advocating Ubuntu and Edubuntu. I just
> thought I would introduce myself and let everyone know what I am about. (if
> this is the wrong list please let me know)
> Thank you for your time,
> Jason
> -- 
> Jason Sandlin
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlabamaTeam
> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us-al

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