Uprade to 7.04

Gavin McCullagh gmccullagh at gmail.com
Mon May 7 10:55:32 BST 2007


On Sun, 06 May 2007, Ted Moore wrote:

> I could not get any responses using the chatroom.  

You mean #edubuntu on IRC? 

> I am using two network cards; one to the school setup and the other to
> the outside world.  My outside world address is and my
> school setup uses dhcp -

I wasn't particularly clear on this.  I meant do you have two network cards
on your thin client?  Every now and again we add a second PXE capable
network card in addition to an on-board card.  When we do this, we have to
be careful to disable the on-board card.

Two cards in the server shouldn't be an issue.

> When my thin clients do connect they all seem to be starting at
> and counting down.  Does that provide any additional info you can help me
> with?

That's normal.  The dhcp server will (in my experience) usually allocate
addresses from the top down.


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