Ubuntu thin client-help need at a Tibetan school in India

Phuntsok Dorjee phuntsok at tcv.org.in
Mon Mar 12 14:15:53 GMT 2007

Hi all,

I am writing from Tibetan Children's Village School, Dharamsala (H.P.), 
India.  We have decided to introduce Gnu/Linux for our students in class 
VI and VII and gradually migrating to Gnu/Linux in phase wise. The 
configurations of the computers in our lab are Celeron 1.5GHz, Intel 
motherboard, 128SD RAM, 52xCDROM, 15" Color Monitor. We have 30 
computers and all the computers are networked.

I want to implement Ubuntu thin client for the lab to simplify 
management, configuration, software distribution, anti-virus fight. etc. 
etc. Could someone suggest what CPU and what size of RAM, Hard disk 
would we need for the Server machine for the 30 computers.


Phuntsok Dorjee

 "Work as if you live in the early days of a better nation." Alasdair Gray

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