KDE artwork and menu

David Caldwell dcaldwell at accessit.co.uk
Mon Mar 5 15:50:27 GMT 2007

Hi gang,

Thankyou all for your help getting a Kubuntu desktop running for my thin clients. 

I'm now in this situation: the Edubuntu server has a Kubuntu boot splash, logon screen and desktop (great) but my clients have an Edubuntu splash, logon and a Kubuntu desktop (I've nothing against the Edubuntu theme, but it doesn't suit this particular project). Anyone know how I can change the artwork for the thin clients to be 100% Kubuntu? I've tried 'update-alternatives --config x-session-manager|x-window-manager|usplash' with no success - this just seems to affect the server.

Also, does anyone know how I can remove Kicker menu items from my clients' desktops? The menu editors seems to only work on a per user basis which is not practicle. I can remove items from /usr/share/applications/ but this effects the server menu items as well as the clients.

Any help, as ever, is much appreciated,



David Caldwell
Access IT Limited
t: +44(0)1227 750555
f: +44(0)1227 750070
w: www.accessit.co.uk

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