'mount' my sound card

David Caldwell dcaldwell at accessit.co.uk
Mon Mar 5 15:33:40 GMT 2007


I had trouble with my soundcard (a mini Via motherboard with a built-in sound chipset) and this is how I got it working:

1. Went into BIOS setup and set the onboard sound chipset to emulate Soundblaster (don't know if this is necessary, but it seemed like a safe option).
2. Added my users into the 'video' group (I found, for some reason, that I could only get sound working in they were members of this group. I also found that this group doesn't seem to appear in the 'users and groups' app so I had to add the users manually to /etc/groups - is this a bug?).
3. I added "SOUND_DAEMON=esd" to /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/ltsp/lts.conf under the default section and made sure that sound was enabled here as well (SOUND=True). I found that I could only get my clients' sound working using ESD - don't know why.
4. Reboot you client(s) and test. If it doesn't work, try telling Gnome you're using ESD in the 'Sounds' app. If you're clients are using KDE, you'll need to tell the system to use ESD in the 'System Settings' - Gnome should auto-detect, but KDE won't, it seems.

Hope this helps.



David Caldwell
Access IT Limited
t: +44(0)1227 750555
f: +44(0)1227 750070
w: www.accessit.co.uk

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