stress testing edubuntu

William Kinghorn williamk at
Fri Aug 17 07:33:24 BST 2007

Thanks Gavin, will use it next time I set up a server.

>>> gmccullagh at 08/17/07 12:33 AM >>>

following discussions on this list, it seemed like it would be useful to
have some way to stress test a server by pretending it had lots of users on

I've made a very first rough attempt at it, which is now available here:

The idea is that you create a test user and untar the .tar.gz file straight
into that user home dir.  Using the new ldm with auto-login feature, you
boot a bunch of thin clients and have them all auto-login to that account.
All of them should then start gnome and begin intermittently opening
firefox, opening urls, closing firefox, etc.

This is very rough and primitive just now, but it might be useful just to
get an idea roughly how your hardware performs with some number of people
running gnome and firefox.  In time, I hope nice stuff could be done using
the AT-SPI (dogtail or ldtp) stuff and I'm looking at that, but that'll
take a little more time.  If you're upgrading a production edubuntu setup,
it might be nice to be able to stress test it a little before you let real
users on it.

If you get a chance to test the scripts, please let me know how you get on.
Even if you think it's total rubbish I'd love to know why, on/off list at
your preference.  I don't offend easily ;-)

Thanks for reading,

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