Some infos before migrating...

Cedric Janssens cedric.janssens at
Wed Nov 15 23:45:29 GMT 2006

Hi there

I have some frustrating problems with Edgy and I'm thinking seriously
to return to the LTS version.

But I'd like to run KDE.


I could Install Edubuntu 6.06 LTS and then apt-get install kubuntu-destop
I could Install Kubuntu 6.06 LTS and then apt-get install edubuntu-desktop.

But should those two operations produce the same result ?
Specially with the ltsp support ?

If it's ok with ltsp with the second choice, I could maybe install
Kubuntu then some things to have all the educative software from
edu.kde plus Gcompris + TuxPaint ?

My Edubuntu labs is intended to be used by young children only.

BUT I NEED the LTSP service (As I only have old computers to act ac clients)

Best regards

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