migration from rhl

Bill Moss bill.moss at verizon.net
Wed Nov 15 05:03:32 GMT 2006

I'm currently running what started as RHL V7.x and what is now a very
customized version running a late 2.6 Kernel, Gnome and mostly other
upgraded software. The system is used as a server for my home LAN,
serving as a repository for user secure data (Via NIS or SMB, as the
case may be), as a CVS server and as the LAN DNS server. I'm also using LVM.

I was seriously considering migrating the system to Ubuntu  by
installing Ubuntu on another machine, customizing the environment with
my various Bash and Perl scripts and than moving all the files.

Which version (desktop or server) would be a better starting point and
does Ubuntu support LVM or do I have to download and compile.

The target system would be:
AMD Athon -- 2.5GHz
2 GB DDR/400 RAM
AHA 29160 controller with at least two 10Krpm 72GB drives.
ATI RAge 7000 video
and some sort of supported sound, a supported 10/100 NIC, etc.

Thanks in advance!!

William (Bill) Moss
billmoss at acm.org
  Those who will not reason,
  are bigots,
  those who cannot,
  are fools,
  and those who dare not,
  are slaves.
by Lord Byron
  God grants liberty only to those who love it,
  and are always ready to guard and defend it.
by Daniel Webster
  Justice will not be served until those who are
  unaffected are as outraged as those who are.
by Benjamin Franklin

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