EC Request for Consideration: WikiSite and current wiki edit projects

Jordan Mantha laserjock at
Sun Sep 27 14:50:33 UTC 2009

On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 9:50 AM, Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)
<jonathan at> wrote:
> Hi
> Jordan Mantha wrote:
>> So given all that, I would like to put out the following for consideration:
>> 1) Address the use of the WikiSite namespace as outlined in Ace's email here:
> What kind of feedback does Ace require? I've replied to some of his
> concerns on that mail, does he need a more formal response from the EC?
> Isn't that a bit overkill? What is blocking Ace at the moment? I think
> that if he breaks what he wants to do in smaller pieces and keep
> everyone up to date on his intentions, then things should be fine.

I think the question here is if he should be using the WikiSite
namespace or not. My suggestion is that Edubuntu/WikiSite/ be used
only to hold things like wiki headers, icons, and includes that are
specifically for the wiki. It should not be used for actual "content".

I understand Ace's concern that it's difficult to rework a wiki
in-place, but I think if we do it one chunk/category/area at a time
the result will be much better than moving page around.

>> 2) Address what to do with the the moved meeting logs *if* the current
>> situation is not desirable.
> I think they should be stored at the best logical place where people
> would expect to find them, as well as being consistent with the use of
> the other teams.

This seems to be a bit difficult because it seems like each team is
slightly different. I would like to propose that we follow what seems
to be the most common practice of teams (at least currently) :


This structure is used by the Mobile Team, for instance :

Since Ace has already moved the meeting logs to
/Edubuntu/WikiSite/Meeting/Logs I suggest:

 * collect everything (whether they're logs or records, etc) under the
above scheme
 * the Archive page would just move it to /Edubuntu/Meeting/Archive
 * /Edubuntu/Meeting have the cool <<Navigation(children)>> (thanks
Ace for that) but not include every log inline.

>> 3) Address any issues with
>> that the
>> Edubuntu Council might have.
> The WikiSite in the URL is excessive, I don't think it's necessary.
> Besides that, from my perspective the rest seems like details.

As I said above, I think WikiSite is a good place to dump misc. pages
that aren't "reader" content but rather used in the wiki pages
themselves. A common header file, icons page, etc. are commonly used
things that would be appropriate. I think also wiki clean up pages and
proposals make sense here as well. BTW, we already have
/Edubuntu/Wiki/ with some previous clean up plans, it would be good to
merge all that info together into a central place.

However, I think Tasks, Teams, Gatherings, Photo, Video, and
GrowEdubuntu belong somewhere else. I think that it is important the be kept as a development wiki. I'm not sure where
Gatherings, Photo, and Video fall in this regard. It makes sens if
they are meant as a collection point to gather contributions, but
ultimately end-users should be going to to get this

I think an excellent first step in any further wiki cleanup effort
might be to simply put together a sitemap of the current wiki pages. I
know there are ~ 300 pages, but I think it would help us organize, and
help Ace continue his work, if we knew what structure was already out
there. We can then decide what we want to keep, what we can toss, and
where new pages (like Gatherings, Photo, and Video) should reside. I
think is a start on
something like that.


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