EC Request for Consideration: WikiSite and current wiki edit projects

Jordan Mantha laserjock at
Wed Sep 23 20:35:20 UTC 2009

Ace has asked for some guidance regarding stuff that came up during
his wiki cleanup project and in particular his moving of meeting logs
and his use of the WikiSite namespace. I would like to call on the
Edubuntu Council to consider his request and come to some conclusion
so his work is not being blocked.

I'm also feeling like we need a new era of transparency and leadership
in Edubuntu by the Edubuntu Council so I'd like to try out a new
method for making decisions and getting moving. If there is some
issue, technical decision, etc. that is blocking work or has stalled
in discussion, I would like people to email a Request for
Consideration (RFC) to this list. The EC will then discuss and vote if
necessary on the issue in a timely manner ( couple days but hopefully
< 1 week) and the issue can be considered settled. This doesn't negate
the IRC Edubuntu Meetings but is intended to break gridlock and to
make sure important issues are dealt with in a timely (not waiting for
the next time all the EC is together) and transparent (the whole list
sees what's going on rather than the handful of people that are on IRC
at a given time).

So given all that, I would like to put out the following for consideration:

1) Address the use of the WikiSite namespace as outlined in Ace's email here:

2) Address what to do with the the moved meeting logs *if* the current
situation is not desirable.

3) Address any issues with that the
Edubuntu Council might have.

The goal here is to end with a better understanding of what we want
the Edubuntu wiki to look like and better guidance for Ace has he
takes on this large and very much needed task. I don't want him to
feel like his work is being ignored or discarded or that he's wasting
his time. My feeling is that the Edubuntu Council hasn't had the
chance to have a comprehensive look at the proposal. So let's take the
time now, make sure everybody is on the same page, and then get Karmic


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