open source and diagramming survey

chung at chung at
Mon Apr 27 23:21:10 UTC 2009

Dear open source contributors,

I am Eunyoung Chung, a Masters student working with Dr. Jensen at
Oregon State University.

We are currently doing a research project in collaboration with Dr.
Truong and Ph.D student Koji Yatani at University of Toronto. Our goal
is to understand how contributors communicate and collaborate in Open
Source Software (OSS) projects, including diagramming practices.

We are seeking volunteers for a quick survey on this topic. Any person
who is actively working on a OSS project is eligible. The survey takes
approximately 10-15 minutes, and the 5 volunteers will be picked to
receive a $30 Amazon gift certificate. Your participation is anonymous
(unless you consent to have us contact you)

Here is the survey address.

We really appreciate your help!

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