The Future of Edubuntu

Mauricio Hernandez mhz.chile at
Tue Apr 28 16:33:58 UTC 2009


> For Edubuntu to continue to exist and possibly one day flourish, we need
> to find answers to the following questions:
> 1. What does Canonical want and expect from the Edubuntu project?
> 2. What do our users and potential users want from Edubuntu?


First of all, highvoltage, thank you very much for your thoughts on
this. Actually, I was kind of thinking about the same because I am
close to a project named "Edulinux" (sponsored by a Chilean University
and with high expectations from Chilean Gov, too). My friends there,
got very excited about what Edubuntu is/was bringing to the FLOSS
table for edu purposes, and so, they decided to migrate from Fedora to
Ubuntu in order to base their development and customisation for
Chilean school needs.

So, responding to the 2nd question instead to the 1st, all Chilean
Edubuntu users I have met, have chosen Edubuntu is mainly because it's
Ubuntu and it's tailored to fit: LTSP, and computers with "out of the
box" edu apps.
Also, families with the idea of "parental control like computers" are
happy with Edubuntu.

Now, as for the 1st question, I can't answer on behalf of Canonical
but my expectations are simple: I would like to think of Edubuntu as a
meta distro, repository of edu apps "graded/leveled" to match school
study programmes, so that teachers can easily know which app to use
and for which purposes. Now, if Edubuntu could also "host" pre-package
content (something like apt-get install MathGeometry4thGrade)!
that would be awesome!

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