learn.ubuntu.com, was re: The Future of Edubuntu
Belinda Lopez
belinda.lopez at canonical.com
Wed Apr 29 18:35:38 UTC 2009
Apologies for the crosspost but all these groups are converging and I
think there is definite overlap in goals. I am hoping if I bring you
all together you can help each other out.
edubuntu-devel-request at lists.ubuntu.com wrote:
> Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 12:33:58 -0400
> From: Mauricio Hernandez <mhz.chile at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: The Future of Edubuntu
> To: "Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)" <jonathan at ubuntu.com>
> Cc: Edubuntu Edubuntu <edubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>
> <snip>
>> For Edubuntu to continue to exist and possibly one day flourish, we need
>> to find answers to the following questions:
>> 1. What does Canonical want and expect from the Edubuntu project?
>> 2. What do our users and potential users want from Edubuntu?
> <snip>
> First of all, highvoltage, thank you very much for your thoughts on
> this.
thanks for putting together some thoughts on this topic. It's great
to see you still involved.
> Now, as for the 1st question, I can't answer on behalf of Canonical
> but my expectations are simple: I would like to think of Edubuntu as a
> meta distro, repository of edu apps "graded/leveled" to match school
> study programmes, so that teachers can easily know which app to use
> and for which purposes. Now, if Edubuntu could also "host" pre-package
> content (something like apt-get install MathGeometry4thGrade)...wow!
> that would be awesome!
I'm not speaking for Canonical either but in my role as Training Project
Manager it seems more and more of the education questions are directed
to me if folks can't find another contact. The training department at
Canonical is, so far, strictly focused on corporate, business
organizations and individuals seeking certification. As I told my boss,
my heart is in education so my involvement here is mostly personal but I
will try to direct your questions on the appropriate persons in Canonical.
That being said, there is revised effort on behalf of the Classroom
Project (CP) and the Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team (UFBT) and now the
Loco Teams (Martin Owens, this is in response to your recent email to
the Loco contacts list) to create quality education/training/learning
for both end users and potential contributors. Each group it seems has
very definite ideas and needs but I think all can benefit from a
centralized approach. Right now the CP/UFBT, aka the Learning Project,
are planning to host a Moodle site for such materials and trying to find
content providers. Canonical is considering letting them use
learn.ubuntu.com if there a large enough base of quality offerings.
They are prestaging now on a test server.
The next meeting of the the group is scheduled for May 9, 2009 at
21:00:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting. More info on their efforts can be
found at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning Matthew Lye, Charles
Proffit and Lyz Krumbach have all been instrumental if trying to get
this all coordinated and off the ground. I hope you will all attend or
read the meeting logs and continue the discussion.
As for edubuntu - Johnathan, I think you're right, as long as the
community keeps working on it, things will continue to evolve. I'll try
to provide some more input on your blog post and see if I can round up
more contributors to your efforts.
Belinda Lopez
Training Project Manager
Home Office: 409-497-4346
Business Mobile: 832-741-6746
irc: dinda
http://www.ubuntu.com http://www.canonical.com
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