Edubuntu Installation / Dual Boot Problem

Mariana Curado Malta mariana.malta at
Wed May 30 18:16:35 UTC 2007

Go to /boot/grub/menu.lst

And edit the file changing the order of the menu...

You can also change the number of the item "default" to the number of
the windows line...

But better change the order!

Good luck, Mariana

Theresa wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> good news I've finally got Feisty working! But Gavin, your workaround with the 
> server install cd didn't work for me. I only had the edgy server install cd 
> with me, as I only downloaded the desktop cd for feisty, but i guess it 
> shouldn't be any different if I only wanted to reinstall Grub.
> Reinstalling Grub worked but when I rebooted the machine, Grub didn't appear 
> so Windows XP started automatically. Then I decided to boot again from the 
> server install Edgy cd and installed Edgy from scratch.  it was absolutely no 
> problem with the text-based installer configuring the / partition as 
> bootable. 30 minutes or so later I finally had a working Edgy, and now Grub 
> appears when the machine is booted. :D
> On another note, I've read somewhere that I can configure grub so that Windows 
> XP is listed first and then Edubuntu. Any idea where I can edit that? 
> Otherwise people will be confused when they can't access their windows, so I 
> guess if Windows was at the top position it will make it easier for the 
> non-edubuntu users.
> I then changed all sources in the sources.list to Feisty and made an 
> dist-upgrade. This took quite long (longer than installing Edgy), and voila 
> now I have a working Feisty with a dualbooted Windows XP. I'm soooo glad I 
> got it working now.
> I've noticed that the old edgy Kernel is still listed in the grub boot menu, 
> can I get rid of that somehow or is it necessary to have it?!
> All the best, and thanks for reading!
> cheers,
> Theresa

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