New version of Karoshi

David C. Weichert dcweichert at
Mon Feb 20 13:46:02 UTC 2006

On Mo, 2006-02-20 at 12:28 +0000, linuxgirlie wrote:
> Oh, Ok, I think I know where I have gone wrong, to make the system
> seem easier for users we gave each server a name for example the PDC
> is called Xen, these names where given before we even knew about the
> Xen virtual server stuff, so this might confuse people a little. I
> have also done some very bad grammar, for example, I wrote:
> When a user logs into the network their username and password are
> authenticated by Xen. Once authenticated, Xen passes the login script
> to the client computer, which gives the user their network connections
> automatically.
> When in fact I should of wrote:
> When a user logs into the network their username and password are
> authenticated by Samba. Once authenticated, the PDC passes the login
> script to the client computer, which gives the user their network
> connections automatically.
> I tried to keep things to the computer names and not the service names
> as it starts to get confusing for newbie users, they start saying what
> is Samba or what is WinBind etc etc instead of going oh, thats the
> same as my PDC at the moment does, I tried to keep it simple but may
> of gone to far.
> I will look into having to re-write these descriptions. Are there
> anything else that makes the project look LOW quality, I am trying to
> promote this to UK schools, and any hints or tips would be welcome.
> Jo

I don't quite understand what this is about.

What exactly is Karoshi? I guess install scripts that install and
configure services?

How do you ensure that distupgrades still work? Do you touch config
files of other packages? Do you adhere to Debian Policies
( at all?

"apt-cache search karoshi" did not give me any results. Is there a
package or is there going to be one? If your software makes sense for
Debian/Ubuntu you should be able to get it packaged which would make
installation much easier for your users.

Kind regards

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