usb storage on edubuntu 5.10

James Call jamescall at
Wed Apr 26 05:07:42 UTC 2006

I was looking around for some help in setting up sound and usb storage
on edubuntu breezy.  I really couldn't find anything.

I installed symbiont's new deb package, and then I couldn't get
anything to work.  I am here at our school lab at 11:00 pm.  I
uninstalled it and had to manually erase/reconfigure a ton of files.
Now I am back to a standard install.

BTW. Today was the first day that we used our edubuntu system on 25
terminals and it brought our amd x2  2200+ to it's knees with a bunch
of the students using gcompris.  I have ordered 2 gig more of memory.

Can anyone send me in the right direction for using usb flash drives
on the clients???


P.S. Some time ago I posted about not being able to boot some compaq
clients.   It was the intel nic, I guess, I switched them out for some
3com nic's and the compaqs work great.

Thanks, James

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