Agenda Items for Edubuntu Summit

Jerome Gotangco jgotangco at
Fri Jun 17 15:35:36 UTC 2005

Hi all,

>       * Edubuntu Documentation (speak to Jerome (jsgotangco))

OK it rather feels awkward to have this on agenda for the summit,
considering i have yet to familiarize myself with the overall
structure and what we currently have. Also, I won't be able to attend
the summit so there won't be that much to share except that the Ubuntu
docteam will particpate in Edubuntu. Personally, I would like to try
out some technical stuff in Edubuntu documentation (like doing it in
Baz or MoinMoin), but this is another story.

>               * Colin Applegate's step-by-step install guide ..?

Right, I will move this to SVN then for now and monitor changes if
there will be some in the future.


Jerome S. Gotangco

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