Rescheduling regular DMB meeting day/time

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Tue Nov 9 17:44:57 UTC 2021

On Tue, Nov 09, 2021 at 11:49:34AM -0500, Dan Streetman wrote:
> This is why I would like to ask you once more to please, please
> provide at least some preferred day/time slots.

I can tell you how it is for me, but I'm not sure this is helpful.
Anyway, hopefully this will explain my difficulty in giving you specific

As long as I'm working for Canonical I can generally fit in DMB meetings
during working hours, which for me generally end at 18 UTC during
winter, and 17 UTC in summer. But I understand the difficult time is
after that. Immediately after work I generally have childcare duties for
an hour or two.

I have a clash on Tuesday evenings with the TB meeting, which is every
two weeks and currently out of phase with the DMB two weekly schedule.
But if the DMB meeting were to slot in on the opposite week to the TB
meeting, then I would never have an entire Tuesday evening free. On the
other hand if it's brought into phase with the TB meeting but avoided
clashing (eg. by being straight after it), then that would work better.
Note though that the TB switched its phase not long ago as that was
needed so one member could be available. That might happen again. So
trying to keep it in phase probably won't work.

The same sort of problem occurs with the SRU team meeting on Thursday
evenings (which, like the current DMB meeting, currently alternates
between my afternoon and my evening).

I currently have a personal commitment on most Wednesday evenings where
I chose Wednesday because that's the only day midweek that I'm
consistently free because of TB, DMB and SRU Ubuntu commitments. I might
be able to change that, but it depends on others.

Friday evenings are undesirable because I may often be unavailable
depending on weekend plans. I assume this applies to everyone else, too.

This is why, currently, Monday evenings are easiest for me, but that's
basically what we already have.
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