line selection operations for breezy/bazaar

Brendan Simon (eTRIX) brendan.simon at
Mon Mar 12 12:39:06 UTC 2018

Thanks John, but that's not quite how I'm using Git.  I sometimes make
lots of changes that work together (or often they might be independent
changes ... yes, I know !!), test it all works first, then commit -- but
I want to break down the commits into logical chunks.  So I stage the
lines I want, commit them, stage more lines and commit them, and so on
until it's all committed.  I usually make the commits on a branch and
then merge the branch to a parent branch when done.

Can Breezy shelve lines or only complete files?

Can Breezy pick lines from a shelve or only the complete shelve?

Do I have to use some external merge tool.  e.g. copy files to temp
files and merge back lines I want, commit, repeat and rinse?


On 12/3/18 11:00 pm, bazaar-request at wrote:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2018 16:03:46 +0400
> From: John Meinel <john at>
> To: Brendan at
> Cc: bazaar <bazaar at>
> Subject: Re: line selection operations for breezy/bazaar
> Message-ID:
> 	<CAHE3fn5h2TuCib1F0wR6ctHkcAoFg81T_+r=EBzGqpsg+ah9mw at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> The general recommendation with Bazaar is to use shelve to remove the
> pieces you want to back out, and then test what you are actually
> committing. The staging area of Git is interesting, but it *isn't* what you
> are compiling/running which means you aren't actually testing the commit.
> It is the inverse operation (instead of staging just what you want to
> commit, you shelve just what you want to omit), but it makes it both easier
> to know that your commit is correct, and gives equivalent results.
> John
> =:->
> On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 2:08 PM, Brendan Simon <Brendan at>
> wrote:
>> Git has the feature of being able to add/discard lines to/from the index,
>> or discard lines entirely from working copies of modified files.
>> Does Breezy/Bazaar have such feature?
>> If not, is it something developers would like to have?  I certainly find
>> the feature useful in Git, when I have to to make various changes (that may
>> or may not be related) and then have the ability to commit the related
>> parts (chosen lines of chosen modified files) in separate commits.
>> As far as I know Breezy/Bazaar doesn't have a staging index.  If not, is
>> that a problem?  Maybe it could be faked (if need be)?  Maybe via shelving
>> perhaps?
>> These advanced features (selected line commits) are most easily performed
>> using a good GUI tool (at least for me), to (a) visualise all the changes,
>> and (b) select the lines of interest for the operation (commit, discard).
>> With Git I use SourceTree on Mac and Windows, and I use Eclipse Egit on
>> Linux (and Mac and Windows too).
>> Is there a Breezy/Bazaar GUI with such advance features.  There was a
>> Bazaar Explorer at some stage.  Is that still around and active with Breezy?
>> I do like the idea some Eclipse integration too.  Maybe Egit can be
>> modified/ported to work with Breezy?  Or maybe another Git GUI can be
>> adapted to work with Breezy?
>> Any thoughts?
>> Cheers, Brendan.

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