Releasing 2.6 [Was: bzr-hookless-email doesn't work with bzr 2.6]

Vincent Ladeuil vila+bzr at
Mon May 27 10:17:24 UTC 2013

>>>>> Andrew Starr-Bochicchio <asb at> writes:


    > I'd be willing to help with that process any way I can. I if I'm
    > reading that right, we'll need a Canonical sysadmin to open up a
    > new 2.7dev branch as the next release will hopefully be the final
    > beta.

Almost. Admins help is needed for the pqm controlled branch, so that
would mean creating lp:bzr/2.6 before 2.6.0 is released. That has been
done already but should not be used or referred to until 2.6.0 *is*

2.7x releases up to (but excluding 2.7.0) should be created from
trunk. But it's unclear to me when this will happen, after all, the 2.6
series is targeted to quantal, 2.7 should have been targeted to raring
but we just opened saucy...

    > BTW: While doing a local dry run for some of the tasks in
    > releasing.txt, I notice that bzr-2.6b2 was never actually tagged in
    > the branch...

Good catch, that was a typo, 2.6b2 has been created instead of
bzr-2.6b2, I will land the correct tag asap.


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