Loosing fate about "plays nice with others"

Propadovic Nenad npropadovic at gmail.com
Tue Jul 31 13:55:14 UTC 2012

Hallo everybody,

I got the task to examine a new VCS for SW-development at a small company,
so I choose Bazaar over Hg and Git, it just looked very friendly.
Especially the "plays nice with others"-philosophy.

First task:
see how Bazaar handles the two repositories of an OS-project named
OpenClinica (my company builds SW based on this project). The old one is
subversion-based, the other, they chose Hg.

So I tried both. Both bzr-hg and bzr-svn fail to do the job.

Well bzr-hg gives you the feeling you shouldn't use it anyway - with its
diminishing check-ins, not being ready "yet" etc.,  but I tried, and
failed. Last try:

bzr hg-import

Gives me:

bzr: ERROR: Kein Zweig: ┬╗

(The error message means:
not a branch).

But bzr-svn just seemed ready for the job - it's included by default, seems
well supported...
Again, just my last try out of several:

bzr svn-import

And I get:
bzr: ERROR: A Subversion remote access command failed: REPORT of
'/openclinica/!svn/bc/16513': Could not read chunk delimiter: Secure
connection truncated (https://svn.akazaresearch.com)

Obviously, neither SVN nor HG have any problems giving me the repositories
they are supposed to - both flawlessly landed on my hard disk when I used
their native tools.

So, what's up? Am I just to stupid, or...?

I really like Bazaar and want it to be our future VCS, so any help making
me succeed in this is appreciated. desired result: being able to branch
both repositories using bazaar.


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