Loosing fate about "plays nice with others"

Brian de Alwis briandealwis at gmail.com
Tue Jul 31 17:19:47 UTC 2012

It would probably help if you could tell us what version of bzr you installed (and from where), and the platform (guessing Windows)…  And what version of Subversion you have installed.
> But bzr-svn just seemed ready for the job - it's included by default, seems well supported...
> Again, just my last try out of several:
> bzr svn-import https://svn.akazaresearch.com/openclinica/OpenClinica/tags/OpenClinica-3.1.2-Community/projects/ ..\svnimport_akakaaza -Ossl.cert_reqs=none
> And I get:
> ...
> bzr: ERROR: A Subversion remote access command failed: REPORT of '/openclinica/!svn/bc/16513': Could not read chunk delimiter: Secure connection truncated (https://svn.akazaresearch.com)

How soon does this happen?  FWIW, a "bzr svn-layout https://..." (not an svn-import) completed for me with no errors.

> I really like Bazaar and want it to be our future VCS, so any help making me succeed in this is appreciated. desired result: being able to branch both repositories using bazaar.

Is this a one-time branch, a one-way pull, or do you want round-tripping?  

I've had a great experience round-tripping with bzr-svn.  Some others have offered reports on their experiences on the list in the last 6 months.

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