[ANN] bzr 2.5b3 released

Vincent Ladeuil vila+bzr at canonical.com
Tue Nov 15 17:07:21 UTC 2011


Here comes 2.5b3, our third beta for the 2.5 series.

Bazaar <http://bazaar.canonical.com/> is a Canonical project and part of
the GNU project <http://gnu.org/> to produce a free operating system.

2.5.0 is planned to be released in February 2012.

2.5b3 contains all know bug fixes including the ones made for the
previous stable releases.

This release includes log options for ``push`` and ``pull``, more UI
polish for colocated branches, a better and more coherent implementation
for UI dialogs, enhancements to the config framework and more.

Did I mention https://translations.launchpad.net/bzr ?

A warm thank you to all of you sending feedback, suggestions, even merge
proposals making bzr better !

Bazaar is now available for download from
https://launchpad.net/bzr/2.5/2.5b3/ as a source tarball.

Packages have been uploaded for debian and Ubuntu Precise, an installer
is available for OSX, the installer for windows and the packages are on
their way for the usual GNU/Linux distributions that propose our beta
releases as well as the beta PPA for Ubuntu.

External Compatibility Breaks


New Features

* The ``log_format`` configuration can be used with ``-Olog_format=line`` to
  change the format ``push`` and ``pull`` use to display the
  revisions. I.e.: ``bzr pull -v -Olog_format=short`` will use the ``short``
  format instead of the default ``long`` one. (Vincent Ladeuil, #861472)

* The new config scheme allows an alternative syntax for the 'appenpath'
  policy relying on option expansion and defining a new 'relpath' option
  local to a section. Instead of using '<option>:policy=appendpath', the
  option value can de defined as 'option=xxxx/{relpath}'.
  (Vincent Ladeuil, #832013)


* ``bzr info -v`` now shows the number of colocated branches
  for control directories that support them.
  (Jelmer Vernooij, #863285)

* ``bzr version-info`` now takes a ``--revision`` argument.
  (Jelmer Vernooij, #238705)

* ``bzr revno`` now takes a ``--revision`` argument.
  (Jelmer Vernooij, #870649)

* ``bzr serve`` now can serve from URLs rather than just from the
  file system. I.e.: ``bzr serve -d lp:bzr`` or
  ``bzr serve -d file:///data/bzr`` (Jelmer Vernooij)

* all input prompts are now char-based when possible, and can be forced to
  line-based mode by setting the ``BZR_TEXTUI_INPUT`` environment variable
  to 'line-based'. This replace the previous shelf UI only patch using
  ``INSIDE_EMACS``. (Benoît Pierre)

Bug Fixes

* ``bzr info`` now shows the master branch location too for
  treeless local branches. (Jelmer Vernooij, #258355)

* ``bzr mkdir --quiet`` now does not print a line for every created
  directory. (Martin von Gagern, #869915)

* ``bzr mv`` does not crash when attempting to move the root of a
  branch. (Jonathan Riddell, #809728)

* ``bzr shelve`` now use ``UIFactory.choose`` for input handling, making
  it usable when creating a custom ``UIFactory`` implementation. (Benoît

* ``bzr clean-tree`` now use ``UIFactory.get_boolean`` for confirmation
  prompt, making it usable when using a custom ``UIFactory``
  implementation. (Benoît Pierre)

* If sending a crash through Apport fails report the Apport failure to
  bzr.log rather than stderr. (Jonathan Riddell, #766735)

* ``bzr upgrade`` no longer treats 'already up-to-date' exceptions as
  errors. (Benoît Pierre, #716560).

* ``bzr version-info`` no longer populates the clean state for custom
  templates unless {clean} is explicitly asked for.
  (Lawrence Mitchell, #882541)

* Fix finding the CPU count when using Python >= 2.6 on BSD-based systems.
  (Jelmer Vernooij, #887151)

* ``WorkingTree.clone()`` now supports its ``revision_id`` being set
  to the null revision. (Jelmer Vernooij, #876423)

* ``WorkingTree.pull`` can now pull ``NULL_REVISION``.
  (Jelmer Vernooij, #887556)

API Changes

* ``Branch.revision_history`` is now deprecated. (Jelmer Vernooij, #799519)

* Methods ``add`` and ``items`` of ``LRUCache`` and ``LRUSizeCache`` are
  deprecated. Use normal dict-style access instead. (Martin Packman)

* New flag ``RepositoryFormat.supports_unreferenced_revisions`` which
  indicates whether revisions can be present in a repository without
  being referenced from e.g. a branch history at the same time.
  (Jelmer Vernooij)

* ``UIFactory.choose`` has been added: prompt the user for a list of
  choices. (Benoît Pierre)


* ``ControlDirFormat`` now has a new method ``supports_transport``
  which format implementations can use whether or not they can access
  a control dir over a particular transport. (Jelmer Vernooij)

* ``BranchBuilder.build_commit`` now take ``parent_ids`` and
  ``allow_leftmost_as_ghost`` arguments. (Jelmer Vernooij)


* Ensure TestCase instances are deallocated immediately after running where
  possible. This greatly reduces the peak resource needs of a full test suite
  run. The new ``-Euncollected_cases`` selftest flag will add failures if any
  case which persists pasts its expected lifetime. (Martin Packman, #613247)

* Report exceptions from child processes during fork instead of swallowing the
  error and reporting that everything went okay. (Martin Packman, #804130)

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