[bazaar] [ANN] bzr-2.5b3 has gone gold !

John Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Thu Nov 10 18:05:00 UTC 2011

> Right, the problem is that not all packagers seem to be subscribed to
> bzr-packagers[1] and that the common understanding is that 'going gold' is
> clearly intended to apply to the source release.
> Would '[ANN] bzr-2.5b3 source has gone gold !' be clearer in that
> respect ?
> I'm open to any change we can make to the release process to make things
> clearer and smoother nevertheless.
>        Vincent
> [1]: And to be honest, I only recently took the habit of including them
>     in the mail recipients.

As a clear example *I* was not subscribed to bzr-packagers before this

I don't know if Jonathan realizes that we send the gold announcement to
only bzr-dev, while the final announce goes to bzr-announce. We didn't feel
we needed yet another tier. I suppose we could.

Bzr-dev is also a bzr "users" list, though. So I can appreciate the
thought. I'm not sure if it is worth the effort and overhead, but we can
discuss it.

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