[bazaar] [ANN] bzr-2.5b3 has gone gold !

Vincent Ladeuil vila+bzr at canonical.com
Thu Nov 10 16:25:07 UTC 2011

>>>>> Jonathan Riddell <jriddell at ubuntu.com> writes:

    > On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 02:58:36PM +0100, Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
    >> Here goes our new beta release: 2.5b3 has been frozen and tagged.

    > Me and Martin discussed this process a bit at UDS and concluded we
    > weren't a fan of the current method where bzr seems to get released
    > twice, one for source and once for packages.  Better would be instead
    > of having it "gone gold" to have a release candidate which is given to
    > packagers and then a few days later to have it go gold along with
    > hopefully a nice selection of binary packages.

It seems we all agree on the workflow but have different understandings
on the meaning of the gold word here. This mail intent is described in
releasing.txt as:

#. Post to the ``bazaar at lists.canonical.com`` and
   ``bzr-packagers at list.launchpad.net`` lists, saying that the source has
   been frozen (gone gold). Be extra clear that this is only a *source*
   release targeted at packagers and installer builders (see
   <https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/645084>).  This is the cue for
   platform maintainers and plugin authors to update their code.  This is
   done before the general public announcement of the release.

    > This means there is only one release which is more exciting to
    > those of us who eagerly anticipate releases.  It also means if a
    > problem is found by packagers in the release candidate it can be
    > updated before it goes gold.

Right, the problem is that not all packagers seem to be subscribed to
bzr-packagers[1] and that the common understanding is that 'going gold' is
clearly intended to apply to the source release.

Would '[ANN] bzr-2.5b3 source has gone gold !' be clearer in that
respect ?

I'm open to any change we can make to the release process to make things
clearer and smoother nevertheless.


[1]: And to be honest, I only recently took the habit of including them
     in the mail recipients.

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