Dulwich C extensions and stand-alone Windows installation of bzr

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sun Sep 4 08:33:03 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

On 9/4/2011 7:52 AM, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
> See https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-git/+bug/839483 for the
> background.
> It turns out that there's no documented way of installing Dulwich
> with C extensions on MS-Windows where bzr was installed with the 
> stand-alone installer.  I understand that without these extensions 
> bzr-git performance "sucks".
> Is it possible to have instructions for doing that manually?  I'm 
> guessing that doing so would involve compiling the *.c files that
> come with Dulwich into some kind of a DLL, is that right?  Can that
> be done with MinGW GCC (as opposed to MSVC)?  Can someone please
> show the command line for invoking the compiler, and instructions
> for where to put the DLL?
> If manual compilation is impossible, or if only MSVC is supported
> for that, would it be possible to have this DLL available
> somewhere, if not bundled with the stand-alone installer?

In newer versions of bzr (I think in 2.4+), IIRC we support putting
files in a 'site-packages' directory. Which will be part of the python
search path.

I don't know if it will need to be "site-packages/*.pyd" or
"site-packages/dulwich/*.pyd" (I'm guessing the latter). But you
should be able to install any plugins/modules/dependency code into
there and have Bazaar find it.


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