Dulwich C extensions and stand-alone Windows installation of bzr

Eli Zaretskii eliz at gnu.org
Sun Sep 4 08:54:57 UTC 2011

> Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2011 10:33:03 +0200
> From: John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com>
> CC: bazaar at lists.canonical.com
> In newer versions of bzr (I think in 2.4+), IIRC we support putting
> files in a 'site-packages' directory. Which will be part of the python
> search path.

Yes, I'm using 2.4.0, and this feature is supported there.

> I don't know if it will need to be "site-packages/*.pyd" or
> "site-packages/dulwich/*.pyd" (I'm guessing the latter). But you
> should be able to install any plugins/modules/dependency code into
> there and have Bazaar find it.

Thanks.  But how do I produce the *.pyd files?  There are none in the
dulwich tarball.


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