Proposal: Unsubscribe ~bzr from all code review mail

Max Bowsher _ at
Wed May 25 17:53:19 UTC 2011

On 25/05/11 18:26, vila wrote:
>>>>>> Max Bowsher <_ at> writes:
> <snip/>
>     > On ~bzr-core:
>     > Despite what you might guess from the naming, every member of ~bzr is
>     > intuitively a member of ~bzr-core. There are in fact only 4 people in
>     > all of Launchpad who are members only of ~bzr-core, and not ~bzr.
> I'm already confused sometimes about which team does what (IIRC you
> could argue that ~bzr and ~bzr-core team definitions could be swapped)
> and that would be my main concern about adding even more teams.

My understanding is that ~bzr-core relates to just the 'bzr' project,
and ~bzr relates to the entire 'bazaar' project group.

> Right
> now, ~bzr is a member of ~bzr-core but there are only 3 branches
> registered there, 

I'm not clear what the intended purpose of having branches under
~bzr-core rather than ~bzr is. Perhaps jelmer and poolie, being the
people originally pushing those branches, can clarify the intent?

> I filter aggressively and can generally mark a whole mailbox as read
> (out of the ~250 existing ones) and focus on the others (~20 most of the
> time), so I'm not that concerned by the issue myself but I understand
> your problem.

I can work around the problem just fine, but I think it would be nicer
to fix it at the source, so each person in the team doesn't have to.

> I still think that launchpad mails issues should be addressed by fixing
> launchpad rather than adding teams (which won't scale to all projects
> obviously).

I'd classify the problem here as "To assume that a single list of people
is appropriate both to control permissions and to select who receives
emails, is an erroneous assumption."

So, whilst Launchpad should be fixed to not engender such confusion, we
should also fix the definition of ~bzr.

> AIUI, mail subscriptions are actively worked on and a good chunk of the
> features should go public on the 8 June, should we wait a bit ?

I am not aware of anything being worked on which directly addresses the
problem of "I am a member of a team for permissions, but dislike of the
subscriptions that team has, and wish to opt out of them." - so unless
I'm mistaken in that, we should not wait.


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