Proposal: Unsubscribe ~bzr from all code review mail

vila v.ladeuil+lp at
Wed May 25 17:26:14 UTC 2011

>>>>> Max Bowsher <_ at> writes:


    > On ~bzr-core:

    > Despite what you might guess from the naming, every member of ~bzr is
    > intuitively a member of ~bzr-core. There are in fact only 4 people in
    > all of Launchpad who are members only of ~bzr-core, and not ~bzr.

I'm already confused sometimes about which team does what (IIRC you
could argue that ~bzr and ~bzr-core team definitions could be swapped)
and that would be my main concern about adding even more teams. Right
now, ~bzr is a member of ~bzr-core but there are only 3 branches
registered there, 

I filter aggressively and can generally mark a whole mailbox as read
(out of the ~250 existing ones) and focus on the others (~20 most of the
time), so I'm not that concerned by the issue myself but I understand
your problem.

I still think that launchpad mails issues should be addressed by fixing
launchpad rather than adding teams (which won't scale to all projects

AIUI, mail subscriptions are actively worked on and a good chunk of the
features should go public on the 8 June, should we wait a bit ?


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