[rfc] bzr-colo into core

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at samba.org
Sat Mar 26 17:06:16 UTC 2011

Hi Ben,

On Sat, 2011-03-26 at 15:24 +1100, Ben Finney wrote:
> Martin Pool <mbp at canonical.com> writes:
> > Packaging bzr-colo [for inclusion in Debian] as it stands now would be
> > useful in its own right, and would help people participating in this
> > thread try it out.
> Yes. I certainly don't have the bandwidth as a user to go installing
> packages from outside Debian's repositories just to see if I'm
> interested in them.
> If there's something I *know* I'll be wanting, then it might cross the
> threshold and become something I can spend the attention and care on to
> manage it outside the packaging system.
> If, after that turns out to be something I want to use and know I will
> continue to use for the foreseeable future, I might package it myself if
> it hasn't already happened.

> But:
> > If you want to package it, Jelmer or myself will mentor/sponsor you.
> That gets it quite backward. The Debian community, quite rightly,
> discourages people declaring themselves maintainer for a package they're
> not prepared to maintain.
> I have no idea whether I'd want to maintain ‘bzr-colo’ for Debian
> indefinitely, so that makes me a very poor choice of maintainer. That is
> better done by someone who already knows they will continue using it
> themselves for a good amount of time.
Nobody was saying you should be the long term maintainer of bzr-colo in
Debian, Martin was just offering help in case you were interested in
packaging it.

Creating a bzr-colo package also doesn't necessarily have to mean you
have to be long term involved. There is a Debian Bazaar packaging team
that maintains various Bazaar-related packages and that both Martin, I
and various others here are involved in.


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