[rfc] bzr-colo into core

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at benfinney.id.au
Sun Mar 27 06:23:38 UTC 2011

Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org> writes:

> On Sat, 2011-03-26 at 15:24 +1100, Ben Finney wrote:
> > Martin Pool <mbp at canonical.com> writes:
> > > If you want to package it, Jelmer or myself will mentor/sponsor
> > > you.
> > 
> > I have no idea whether I'd want to maintain ‘bzr-colo’ for Debian
> > indefinitely, so that makes me a very poor choice of maintainer.

> Nobody was saying you should be the long term maintainer of bzr-colo
> in Debian, Martin was just offering help in case you were interested
> in packaging it.

Okay. I have created Debian packaging for ‘bzr-colo’, and:

> Creating a bzr-colo package also doesn't necessarily have to mean you
> have to be long term involved. There is a Debian Bazaar packaging team
> that maintains various Bazaar-related packages and that both Martin, I
> and various others here are involved in.

I've set the package maintainer to “Debian Bazaar Maintainers
<pkg-bazaar-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org>”.

Please note that I've gone no further than making what I think is a good
Debian package, and inspecting the result built from a ‘pbuilder’
environment. I have not, for example, installed the package nor tried to
use ‘bzr-colo’.

The packaging files are under Bazaar branch
Feel free to contact me off-list with requests or to let me know it's
taken out of my hands :-)

 \              “In the long run, the utility of all non-Free software |
  `\      approaches zero. All non-Free software is a dead end.” —Mark |
_o__)                                                    Pilgrim, 2006 |
Ben Finney
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