FW: [Savannah-users] Help with installing loggerhead, the bzr web-based browser

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Mon Nov 15 00:07:22 GMT 2010

On 14 November 2010 20:22, Eli Zaretskii <eliz at gnu.org> wrote:
> GNU Savannah (http://savannah.gnu.org/) is looking for help: we'd
> like to install loggerhead, the bzr equivalent to viewvc/gitweb/etc., but we
> don't know this tool well.
> People at the last GNU get-together in Gothenburg reported this as
> particularly needed.
> You can help in two ways:
> - - Offer to install and maintain loggerhead at Savannah
> - - Find somebody who would do it :)

Hi, Sylvain,

I have enough on my plate now that I don't want to take on a ongoing
sysadmin job that I probably couldn't give enough attention to.  But
if there are particular questions about loggerhead or particular bugs
that are getting in the way, then I will try to fix them or find
someone who can.

Eli also forwarded this to the bzr list and maybe there is someone
there who would like to co-maintain Savannah?  I know some people
asked in the past.  Maybe there can be cooperation between people more
comfortable fixing bugs and those who want to maintain it.


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