Loggerhead merge proposals

Max Kanat-Alexander mkanat at bugzilla.org
Fri Nov 12 00:39:27 GMT 2010

	Hi there. There are various merge proposals against loggerhead, at the


	Almost all of them are very old. I can do reviews on them (or make sure
that they get reviewed), but I need to know if they are still active or
relevant. If they are still active, could you comment on them, send me
an email, or ask me personally (mkanat) for review? If they are not
active, could you delete them or resolve them, as appropriate?

	I will go through some of the existing ones a little, but if I don't
see any activity on them in the next few weeks, I will disapprove them
or delete them as appropriate.

	Also, for future loggerhead reviews, if you're not getting your merge
proposals reviewed in a timely manner, you're welcome to ping me either
on email, IRC (mkanat in #bzr), or by requesting review from me personally.

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