Proposed dependency change for bzr/ppa and bzr-beta-ppa/ppa

Max Bowsher maxb at
Wed Aug 18 11:16:25 BST 2010

On 18/08/10 02:05, Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-08-18 at 01:32 +0100, Max Bowsher wrote:
>> Currently, bzr/ppa has a build-time dependency configured against
>> dulwich/ppa and subvertpy/ppa.
>> bzr-beta-ppa/ppa has a build-time dependency configured against
>> subvertpy/ppa.
>> I propose to delete those dependency links, as they apply only at
>> build-time - thus, they facilitate building a package in those PPAs,
>> which could then be uninstallable unless the end-user also has the
>> dependency PPAs in their sources list.
>> Instead, we can either copy packages from those PPAs, or make explicit
>> uploads to the ~bzr PPA. As both dulwich/ppa and subvertpy/ppa seem to
>> only target the most recent Ubuntu release, they are not currently
>> usable as the sole source of packages for providing a newer dependency
>> of bzr-git/bzr-svn across all supported Ubuntu releases, as the ~bzr PPA
>> intends to.
>> Jelmer: As owner of ~dulwich and ~subvertpy, how do you define the
>> mission statement of those PPAs? Would it make sense for them to
>> maintain an up to date version of those projects across all supported
>> Ubuntu releases, or should dulwich and subvertpy be built directly in
>> ~bzr PPAs in so far as needed to provide up-to-date bzr-svn and bzr-git
>> packages?

> The PPA's for Subvertpy and Dulwich are updated irregularly (as is the
> bzr-git package in the bzr PPA), usually when somebody asks me for
> updated packages. If proper bzr-git/bzr-svn packages in the bzr PPA are
> going to be maintained that should probably also entail dulwich and
> subvertpy.

Sounds good.

I've made the proposed configuration changes and will produce some
up-to-date packages for dulwich and subvertpy in ~bzr/proposed.


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