Bazaar Presentation.

Eric Berry elberry at
Thu Mar 25 07:53:30 GMT 2010

Hi Ben,
   Thanks for the pointers. I'll make the changes you mentioned below, and
I'll add a note about why I didn't look in to Mercurial (hg).

Which btw, is simply because at the time, hg, and Git had basically the same
features, and supported the same protocols. Git seemed to have more
mindshare, and I didn't feel the need to test both.

I'll be honest though, I haven't tried hg, so I'm not sure of any major
differences and/or benefits.


On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 5:47 PM, Ben Finney
<ben+bazaar at<ben%2Bbazaar at>
> wrote:

> I find it's best to avoid “SCM”, since to many people it means the
> related term “Software Configuration Management”, which is very
> different from a VCS but confusingly similar also.
> Best to use the common term VCS (Version Control System) which is pretty
> unambiguous.
> Why is Mercurial excluded from your list of candidates? You can expect
> that question if anyone has been aware of what VCS others have been
> talking about.
> In the “Idea to project” slide, an important distinction between Git and
> Bazaar in remote setup is that Bazaar remote repositories can be stored
> and published via existing standard protocols (HTTP, SFTP) without
> anything specific running on the remote end. I think that Git requires
> at least Git running on the remote end.

I didn't think you could do writes over http? I remember reading in the
documentation that bzr over http is read-only.

> The count of commands is rather misleading. Those “60+ commands” are not
> necessary commands from Bazaar core, but from numerous extensions you
> may have installed. The set of core commands is listed by ‘bzr help’,
> some 13 commands.

Ah, ok. I'll make a note of that. I did a 'bzr help commands' and counted
the ones that weren't provided by a plugin - signified by the [plugin name]
at the end of the command. Are there commands there that are provided by
plugins, but aren't signified that way?

> Thus, you might want to make the point about a rich collection of
> optional extensions, rather than giving the impression that all this
> stuff is necessary to use Bazaar from the start.

It wasn't my intention to give the impression that all of this stuff is
necessary to use Bazaar from the start, I merely wanted to point out that
Bazaar comes with a lot of helpful tools/commands out of the box. More so
than what comes with the base Git install.

Thanks for pointing this out though, I'll make a note to make sure that
people don't think they'll need to use all of the available commands to make
the most out of Bazaar.

Thanks again for all the pointers.


Learn from the past. Live in the present. Plan for the future.
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