[ANN] bzr-grep

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Mar 10 22:28:23 GMT 2010

Hash: SHA1

Ben Finney wrote:
> Parth Malwankar <parth.malwankar at gmail.com> writes:
>> I am happy announce the bzr-grep plugin that can be used
>> to search for a pattern in bzr revisions.
> Thanks for the announcement.
> How does this plugin differ from <URL:https://launchpad.net/bzr-search>
> in your estimation? What specific reasons are there for a user to choose
> each one over the other?
> Documentation nit:
>>   -Z, --null            Write an ascii NUL (\0) separator between
> ASCII is an acronym, so should be capitalised.

bzr-search just searches an index of keywords, it doesn't actually grep
content. So

1) search is faster for things that are indexed. Most likely *much*
faster. (Subsecond rather than many seconds if you were searching a lot
of history.)

2) search doesn't support > 1 word searching (IIRC). Certainly it
doesn't support full regex searching.

3) search doesn't do the working tree

4) search has to build the index, which has a fair amount of overhead
the first time you run it. (And we've also seen people surprised by the
time it can take to update the index if you pull in enough data.) I
*think* the search index is also per-branch, though I may be wrong.
(Meaning it doesn't yet propogate with push/pull so it has to be

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