export over ftp.

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Sat Feb 13 20:00:23 GMT 2010

On 14 February 2010 04:52, Eric Berry <elberry at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi DJ,
>> Just a suggestion that you might find it easier to interact by asking
>> this question
>> HERE > https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr - but I'm sure people will help
>> on this
>> list if they can.
> Thanks, and sorry. :) I will remember to use the LP answers in the future.

No need to apologize, you're welcome to use either the list or Answers.

>> You don't say what bzr operations you have actually tried - can you give
>> the
>> command you issued?
> I was using bzr export. I was hoping I could simply export my project to a
> remote directory on FTP. I know you can push changes to a branch hosted
> through FTP.

The documentation is a bit unclear in using 'export' there; what it
means is that you can publish them by pushing to an ftp server.  Other
people can now branch/pull/merge from there.

Is that what you were trying to do, or something else?
Martin <http://launchpad.net/~mbp/>

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