export over ftp.

Eric Berry elberry at gmail.com
Sat Feb 13 17:52:57 GMT 2010

Hi DJ,

> Just a suggestion that you might find it easier to interact by asking
> this question
> HERE > https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr - but I'm sure people will help
> on this
> list if they can.

Thanks, and sorry. :) I will remember to use the LP answers in the future.

> You don't say what bzr operations you have actually tried - can you give
> the
> command you issued?

I was using bzr export. I was hoping I could simply export my project to a
remote directory on FTP. I know you can push changes to a branch hosted
through FTP.

> And there is a difference between "to publish your branches with Bazaar"
> and
> "to export a directory to an ftp directory" - what is it that you are
> trying to acheive?

Indeed. I haven't had any troubles pushing changes to a FTP server, only
exporting to one.

> I suspect that the answer to your query is going to be either in
> authentication or the
> path to the files on the ftp server.

I don't think this is the case in this situation. I have the branch hosted
on the same server. The branch is hosted in a non-public-facing directory,
and I want to export to a public facing one.
bzr branch [ftp-host]/[project] [project]
... hack hack hack ...
bzr ci -m "hack hack hack"
bzr push [ftp-host]/[project]
bzr export [ftp-host]/www/[project]

Branching, and pushing work fine, it's just the export that fails.

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