Drupal considering moving to bzr or git (from CVS)

David Strauss david at fourkitchens.com
Sat Feb 13 11:50:40 GMT 2010

On 2010-02-13 10:15, Eugene Wee wrote:
> Sounds like the battle is nearly lost already (webchick has "sent off
> an official recommendation tonight to the Powers That Be and the
> infrastructure list, so we'll find out what happens from here").

That was sent to me and others. The decision still isn't final, but it's
certainly in the "git wins unless otherwise disqualified" phase.

> Of the five points cited by webchick in the conclusion, two were
> evaluated as neutral (features and learning curve),

This isn't for overall git usability. This is based on the workflow
document each side prepared for doing two basic things:

 * Creating and improving patches to core (a distributed workflow)
 * Maintaining a module (an optionally centralized workflow)

> one was evaluated as not relevant (Launchpad),

Only "not relevant" in the context of moving Drupal development to our
own Launchpad installation.

> and two were evaluated as favourable to
> git (community traction across the Internet and Drupal itself, and the
> flow of Drupal developers and code to Github).

Indeed. Drupal's decision isn't intended to be a verdict on "the best
DVCS tool." It's a verdict on "the best DVCS tool for the Drupal community."

> It seems that Windows
> GUI is the only possible blocker remaining for git, but webchick
> apparently was satisfied that it is usable for git, despite concerns
> about the possible second class citizenship of Windows with respect to
> git that was cited earlier in the discussion.


David Strauss
   | david at fourkitchens.com
Four Kitchens
   | http://fourkitchens.com
   | +1 512 454 6659 [office]
   | +1 512 870 8453 [direct]

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