bazaar explorer on windows

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Thu Feb 11 08:49:23 GMT 2010

> Hi Alexander,
> Bazaar -> Start -> Branch helped me to return back to old revision temporarily.
> What is checkout ( Bazaar -> Start -> Checkout )?  Also, this option helped me 
> to return old revisions.

Checkout means that you have a master branch somewhere (usually on
central server) where all history kept, and you have working files of
this branch on your computer. Working files corresponding to the this
master branch is called "checkout". Sometimes this is also called
"working copy".

> What is difference between Branch and Checkout commands.

Branch is a standalone copy of your project history, it's including the
history and working tree.

Checkout is often just working tree of another branch.

So, while using checkout several people can work together on the same
branch, sharing history via central server. This is very close to the
way how SVN works.

For personal usage I'd recommend to use branch, until you will become
more familiar with bzr.

> Thank you for your helps,
> (I am a new user of Bazaar and Revision Control)

Please, read the tutorial, it's very good and easy to understand:

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