bazaar explorer on windows

YILMAZ EYIDOGAN yilmaz.eyidogan at
Wed Feb 10 22:02:39 GMT 2010

Thank you Pat and all other friends,

They are good infos.

Yilmaz Eyidogan

2010/2/10 Patrick Regan <patrick.rubbs.regan at>

> Patrick Regan
> On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 2:01 AM, YILMAZ EYIDOGAN <
> yilmaz.eyidogan at> wrote:
>> 2010/2/9 Alexander Belchenko <bialix at>
>>>  Hi Patrick,
>>>> Thank you very much.
>>>> That way is very helpful to view before revisions.
>>>> Is there any way to open old revisioned complete project (for example
>>>> revision 3) to a temporary folder to work on it? Then I will close that old
>>>> project and then continue with current version.
>>>> I need to edit old revisioned project without loosing my current
>>>> revision.
>>> Sure, for this you need to create new branch from desired revision.
>>> In Bazaar Explorer use in main menu: Bazaar -> Start -> Branch,
>>> select valid "To:" location for new branch (new copy of your project) and
>>> type in revision number in "Revision:" line edit control.
>>> Then you can open your new branch in Explorer and work with any copy of
>>> your project as you need.
>> Hi Alexander,
>> Bazaar -> Start -> Branch helped me to return back to old revision
>> temporarily.
>> What is checkout ( Bazaar -> Start -> Checkout )?  Also, this option
>> helped me to return old revisions.
>> What is difference between Branch and Checkout commands.
> This gets at the core of what distributed VCS is about. Checkouts are just
> like they are in SVN. A checkout is just a copy of the working tree. It's
> *just* the files (and minimal meta data). A branch is a full copy of the
> whole history as well as the working tree. When you branch, you don't just
> get the working tree, you get all the full repo tool set too. This makes it
> more insular. When you do a checkout, it's (usually) still bound to the old
> branch. This means that the changes you make will affect the old branch.
> When you branch, all your changes will go into the new branch. They can be
> brought together by a merge.
> In most cases a full branch is nicer to deal with, because you don't mess
> up your original repo unless you want to. Checkouts are nice though because
> they are usually fast and good for just viewing a temporary tree. In either
> case when you are done with it, you can just delete the directory.
> Does that help at all?
> Pat
>> Thank you for your helps,
>> (I am a new user of Bazaar and Revision Control)
>> Yilmaz Eyidogan
>> Turkey
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