bazaar explorer on windows

YILMAZ EYIDOGAN yilmaz.eyidogan at
Thu Feb 11 12:57:04 GMT 2010

Okay. I will be much familiar with bazaar :).


Yilmaz Eyidogan

2010/2/11 Alexander Belchenko <bialix at>

>  Hi Alexander,
>>  Bazaar -> Start -> Branch helped me to return back to old revision
>> temporarily.
>> What is checkout ( Bazaar -> Start -> Checkout )?  Also, this option
>> helped me to return old revisions.
> Checkout means that you have a master branch somewhere (usually on
> central server) where all history kept, and you have working files of
> this branch on your computer. Working files corresponding to the this
> master branch is called "checkout". Sometimes this is also called
> "working copy".
>  What is difference between Branch and Checkout commands.
> Branch is a standalone copy of your project history, it's including the
> history and working tree.
> Checkout is often just working tree of another branch.
> So, while using checkout several people can work together on the same
> branch, sharing history via central server. This is very close to the
> way how SVN works.
> For personal usage I'd recommend to use branch, until you will become
> more familiar with bzr.
>  Thank you for your helps,
>> (I am a new user of Bazaar and Revision Control)
> Please, read the tutorial, it's very good and easy to understand:
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