Puzzled about merge conflicts.

Óscar Fuentes ofv at wanadoo.es
Sun Feb 7 02:56:38 GMT 2010

The conflicts signaled by "bzr merge" are confusing me. There is a very
simple scenario: the local branch .bzrignore file is:


The other branch .bzrignore file is:


Subversion merges this allright, without conflict. Bazaar, however,
signals a contents conflict, leaves the original .bzrignore file
untouched, and creates .bzrignore.OTHER and .bzrignore.BASE. I've tried
different merge algorithms, but that didn't made a difference.

BTW, executing "bzr remerge" produces a funny effect:

$ ls  .bzrignore*
.bzrignore  .bzrignore.BASE  .bzrignore.OTHER

$ bzr remerge
Contents conflict in .bzrignore.OTHER
Conflict adding id to .bzrignore.OTHER.OTHER.  Unversioned existing file .bzrignore.OTHER.
Contents conflict in tests/cases/thread/thread-wrapper.wra.OTHER
Conflict adding id to tests/cases/thread/thread-wrapper.wra.OTHER.OTHER.  Unversioned existing file tests/cases/thread/thread-wrapper.wra.OTHER.
Contents conflict in tests/wrappers/defdatems.lp0.OTHER
Conflict adding id to tests/wrappers/defdatems.lp0.OTHER.OTHER.  Unversioned existing file tests/wrappers/defdatems.lp0.OTHER.
6 conflicts encountered.

$ ls  .bzrignore*
.bzrignore  .bzrignore.OTHER.BASE  .bzrignore.OTHER.OTHER

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