Puzzled about merge conflicts.
Vincent Ladeuil
v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Mon Feb 8 07:53:17 GMT 2010
>>>>> "Óscar" == Óscar Fuentes <ofv at wanadoo.es> writes:
Óscar> The conflicts signaled by "bzr merge" are confusing me. There is a very
Óscar> simple scenario: the local branch .bzrignore file is:
Óscar> ./build
Óscar> The other branch .bzrignore file is:
Óscar> ./build
Óscar> ./tests/log
Most probably, you've added .bzrignore to both branches so they
are seen with different file-ids by bzr (you can check that with
'bzr status -v
It's an unfortunate side-effect of rename tracking that bzr can't
consider them as being the same file, but that's how it works (so
So bzr told you that the same path is used for two different
files (and yes, that may have been hard to understand given they
had both the same name :-/).
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