Undo push of a branch into a repository?

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at samba.org
Fri Feb 5 16:17:30 GMT 2010

On Fri, 2010-02-05 at 11:07 -0500, Brian de Alwis wrote:
> I just pushed a branch into a repository, such that the branch is now
> at the root of the repository.  I.e.,
>   $ bzr init-repo /path/to/repo
>   $ bzr push /path/to/repo
> What I thought would happen is that the push would result in a branch
> in /path/to/repo/nick, where nick was my current branch name.  Instead
> my repo has the branch in the root part.
> How can I back this out safely?  I'm hoping it's as simple as:
>   $ rm -rf /path/to/repo/.bzr/branch
Yep, that should be sufficient. You might also have to remove the
working tree if one was created, by using "bzr remove-tree" in that

> (And I don't suppose there's a way to configure the repo such that
> this can't be done, is there?)
Not that I'm aware of.


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